
When GOD opened the window of HEAVEN, HE saw me & ask, "What you wish for today?..." I said, "LORD... please take care of the person who read this message"

Alfabet Tentang Arti Persahabatan

| 25 Maret 2009 |

A to Z about friends :

A-ccepts you as you are
B-elieves in you
C-alls you just say "hello"
D-oesn't give up on you
E-nvisions the whole of you
F-orgives your mistakes
G-ive unconditionally
H-elps you
I-nvites you over
J-ust "be" with you
K-eeps you close at heart
L-oves you for who you are
M-akes a difference in your life
N-ever judges
O-ffer supports
Q-uites your tears
R-aises your spirits
S-ay nice things about you
T-ells you the truth when you need to hear it
U-nderstands you
V-alues you
W-alks beside you
X-plain things you won't listen
Z-aps you back to reality

God Bless

4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

so sweet...

♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ mengatakan...

your blog is well well well......

Anonim mengatakan...

seperti itulah yang namanya sahabat, tapi sahabat sejati tetaplah Yesus

nita mengatakan...

amsal 17:17...gbu all

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